Election Time: Jefferson On The Honor Of A Good Example

Food for thought:
“I have ever deemed it more honorable and profitable too to set a good example than to follow a bad one.” [“Apothegms” in The Life and Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Including All of His Important on Public Questions, Compiled From State Papers and From His Private Correspondence, by S. E. Forman, or Samuel Eagle Forman (The Bowen-Merrill Company Publishers, 1900, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA).]

Jefferson Memorial In Washington DC

Jefferson Memorial In Washington DC

More on Freedom Of Thought.

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This entry was posted in A Questioning Mind, Action, Avoiding Societal Blindness, Balance vs. Imbalance, Civil Society, Commitment, Courage, Education, Good Citizenship, Happiness vs. Pleasure, Intellectual Freedom, Leadership, Matters Of Conscience, Personal Responsibility, Pluralistic Society, Responsible Powers Collectively Of We The People, Responsible Powers Of Public Government, Unity, Virtue And Strength, Vision and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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