
“I’m twenty two, but I don’t think I’m young. I think you mature the moment you know what you want to do.”
—Blog, Humans of New York, “I’m twenty two, but I don’t think I’m young”, or book, Humans of New York: Stories (St. Martin’s Press, 2015, New York NY), Page 64; both blog and book by Brandon Stanton

I’m Twenty-two, But I Don’t Think I’m Young

I’m Twenty-two, But I Don’t Think I’m Young

See image credit.


This entry was posted in A Questioning Mind, Action, Avoiding Societal Blindness, Balance vs. Imbalance, Building Capacity And Initiative, Civil Society, Commitment, Courage, Happiness vs. Pleasure, Intellectual Freedom, Matters Of Conscience, Vision and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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