A New Spin On Giving Thanks

“…seeing the wonders and beauties of this world as though seeing them for the first time…”

Making wonderful things less invisible to our eye and to our mind is key to giving proper thanks. Here’s why:


What can you de-invisiblize to your mind today? Who can you see more clearly by focusing on them more?

Making People Invisible, Or Deciding To See Them And Listen To Them

Making People Invisible, Or Deciding To See Them And Listen To Them

See image credit.


#seeandlisten #invisiblizenomore

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This entry was posted in A Questioning Mind, Action, Avoiding Societal Blindness, Balance vs. Imbalance, Building Capacity And Initiative, Casualness, Civil Society, Commitment, Courage, Education, Good Citizenship, Happiness vs. Pleasure, Intellectual Freedom, Kindness, Leadership, Listen With Heart AND Mind, Personal Responsibility, Pluralistic Society, Unity, Vision and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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