Stand And Defend: Making A Difference

Since efforts continue to surface to crowd out religious voices, it is important to stand and defend not only the freedom of religious exercise but also the associated freedoms of speech, press, and assembly. Consider watching this video on ways we may all make a difference:

We don’t have to agree on anything in order to be kind.

Explore this topic further. Or more on Freedom Of Thought.

See image credit.


Religious Freedom: A Partner In The Cause For Peace

Religious Freedom: A Partner In The Cause For Peace

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This entry was posted in A Questioning Mind, Action, Avoiding Societal Blindness, Balance vs. Imbalance, Building Capacity And Initiative, Civil Society, Commitment, Courage, Education, Good Citizenship, Intellectual Freedom, Leadership, Matters Of Conscience, Personal Responsibility, Pluralistic Society, Responsible Powers Collectively Of We The People, Responsible Powers Of Public Government, Unity, Virtue And Strength, Vision and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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